12 Aug 2020

EWM in Republic of Serbia, 2018-2020

As we wrote in previous reports, women are almost 50% of mathematicians in Serbia. Regarding teaching mathematics, the percentage of women is even higher. Here are numbers of employees on Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad: There is no female mathematical association yet, but EWM members from Serbia (about 20) actively act through the Serbian Mathematical Sciences Association which officially has 56 women out of a total of 108 members. Serbian members took part in The 18th EWM General Meeting, Graz, 2018, as well as in (WM)Ç 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Certain activities are made through the Association of L’orèal-UNESCO laureates in Serbia. Dragana Ilic, associate professor in Astronomy, from the Faculty of mathematics, UniversityofBelgrade, was one of the speakers in the Round Table discussion on “How to close the gender gap in science? In UNESCO headquarters on February, 11th 2020. An interview with Dragana for the International Science Council about gender equality can be found on the following link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/899635/3010111

February 11th was marked by an event in Belgrade in Serbian Academy of Science and Arts(SANU). The conference “Female scientists in society” was organized within the project of the Ethnographic Institute of SANU “Position of Women Scientists in Society and the Labor Market in Serbia” (UNESCO Participation Program).