14 Aug 2020

EWM in Espana, 2018-2020

While there are several local associations for women in science along with the different Spanish universities, there is only one national organization for women in mathematics, the “Comisión de Mujeres y Matemáticas de la RSME” (Commission for Women and Mathematics of the Spanish Mathematical Society): https://www.rsme.es/category/mujeres/

The commission MyM is formed by 12 members and it is led by María Elena Vázquez Abal (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) since January 2020. The main activities that they accomplished from August 2018 are:

  1. Maintenance and liven up of their Social Networks:
  1. Publications about women in maths:
    • Section about Women & Maths in the weekly online newsletter of the RSME since September 2016.
    • 4 articles at La Gaceta of the RSME: http://gaceta.rsme.es.
    • Collaboration with the SM Publisher.
    • 3 articles at the major national newspapers El País and ABC.
  1. Activities for the 11th February and 12th May.
  2. Round table discussions about gender issues:
    • Organisation of a round table discussion in the V Congreso de Jóvenes investigadores of the RSME (January 2020): a video of the discussion can be found in http://www.svideo.uji.es/peli.php?codi=3151&lg=.
    • Organisation of a round table discussion at the Congreso Bienal de la RSME (January 2021).
  1. Female nominations for prizes and distinctions:
    • 2 nominations for the Medallas de la RSME (one in 2019 and one in 2020).
    • 1 nomination for the EMS prizes.

Another “women in math” association with a big impact in Spain is the WOMAT (https://www.icmat.es/gender/womat/) association at the ICMAT started in November 2018. They publish a monthly newsletter and everything is in English.

Participation at the EGMO (European Girl’s Math Olympiad). Since 2016 the Spanish team has taken part in the EGMO (virtual participation in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic): https://www.egmo.org.

Libro Blanco de las Matemáticas (White paper on Mathematics elaborated by the RSME): a chapter on gender issues has been prepared and will be made public soon: https://www.rsme.es/2019/11/avances-en-la-elaboracion-del-libro-blanco/

MatEsElla: this is a very successful mentoring programme for undergraduate and graduates female math students: https://ejecon.org/matesella/.