28 Aug 2013

EWM Serbia 2011-2013

Unfortunately I can’t come to the general meeting in Bonn, but Sanja Rapajic is going for sure. Also another Sanja, Konjik Sanja from Novi Sad applied for General meeting. She is not a member yet, but I will ask her to become one.

To the best of my knowledge, there are 9 EWM members from Serbia.

The Serbian Mathematical Society has no women in mathematics committee, and no other women in mathematics activities. The only competition open only to women is the Loreal-unesco award for women in science.

Some members from Serbia participated in Young Women in PDEs, Bonn 2012 and also applied for the 5th Women in Mathematics summer school in Trieste, ICTP 2013. Also, some of us took part in organizing a few conferences here in Novi Sad, but these were not strictly connected to EWM.

Fortunately, as some of you saw during the 14th general meeting, women are not a minority in mathematical academic life in Novi Sad. The statistics about number of male and female mathematicians at Department of Mathematics and Informatics in Novi Sad are as follows:

  • Full professors: 14 female and 18 male (the number that will retire in less then 5 years: 3 female and 9 male)
  • Associate professors: 4 female and 3 male
  • Assistant professors: 8 female and 10 male At the moment it is too difficult to pay/collect membership fees.

We recommend to all members to pay directly to EWM.