08 Apr 2022

PhD – Mesoscopic Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Simulation of Virus Transport at BCAM

In the framework of the BCAM “Mathematical Modelling Applied to Health” strategy, a series of projects will be launched in different areas of AppliedMathematics.
The “Computational Fluid Dynamics” research line (http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/lines/CFDMS) at the BCAM looks for a PhD candidate to work in the project:

“Mesoscopic fluid dynamics modelling and simulation of virus transport”

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (as well as other viruses), consist of a nanoscale spherical capsid decorated with protruding functional proteins. The alignment of the such proteins with specific receptors of the human cells determines the linkage and further insertion of the viral genetic material into the cells. At the nanoscale, the rotational diffusion of such decorated objects may exhibit characteristic deviations compared to a simple nanosphere. Moreover, the type and distribution of the surrounding proteins can provide rotational signatures that differentiate various types of virus, thus providing relevant biomarkers.
The goal of this PhD project is to explore the potential of microrheological characterization of viral solutions as a tool for virus-identification and characterization. The effect of the decorating-proteins morphology and distribution over the dynamics of virus will be investigated using the smoothed dissipative particle dynamics method. The results of this project will provide relevant mesoscopic information to construct a multiscale framework to investigated viral pathologies.

The PhD candidate will work under the supervision of Ikerbasque Prof. Marco Ellero (CFD group, BCAM) on the developments and use of mesoscopic particle-simulation methods to better understand changes in the translational and rotational diffusivity of viruses. Experimental collaborations with the Dr. Padilla’s Lab at Kings College (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/padilla-parra-lab) as well as with groups at CICbiomagune and BioDonostia in San Sebastian are foreseen.

Requirements: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Physics, Enginering or Applied Mathematics

More info and application at: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic2022-03-phd-position-in-mesoscopic-fluid-dynamics-modelling-and-simulation-of-virus-transport
Deadline: 19 April 2022