14 Oct 2023


University Bologna, Catania, Ferrara, Florence, Siena, Trento, Turin

Application Deadline December 31, 2023

Original Job Offer

10 postdoc positions in Algebraic Geometry in Italy

Ten Post Doc positions within the three following Italian PRIN projects, sponsored by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca:

“Multilinear Algebraic Geometry”,
“0-Dimensional Schemes, Tensor Theory and Application”,
“Birational geometry of moduli spaces and special varieties”

In the near future, ten post-doc position will be announced, supervised by the following people:

Locations & Advisors:
Bologna, Alessandro Gimigliano (alessandr.gimigliano@unibo.it)
Catania, Elena Guardo (guardo@dmi.unict.it)
Catania, Francesco Russo (frusso@dmi.unict.it)
Ferrara, Alex Massarenti (alex.massarenti@unife.it)
Florence, Giorgio Ottaviani (giorgio.ottaviani@unifi.it)
Siena, Luca Chiantini (luca.chiantini@unisi.it)
Trento, Alessandra Bernardi (alessandra.bernardi@unitn.it)
Trento, Elisa Postinghel (elisa.postinghel@unitn.it)
Turin, Enrico Carlini (enrico.carlini@polito.it)
Turin, Gianfranco Casnati (gianfranco.casnati@polito.it)

Selection Timeline: Selections will take place between November and December 2023. Successful candidates will start between December 2023 and May 2024. Links to the individual calls will be collected here once available: https://sites.google.com/unitn.it/inabag/job-opportunities

Our research team cultivates a collaborative atmosphere by means of joint seminars and collective activities that foster the growth of its members. Given the interconnection of the three projects, collaborations across institutes are both feasible and recommended. We strongly encourage the interested candidates to make contacts with the supervisor(s) and to consider applying for multiple, or even all, positions.