24 May 2023

Louise Petren day 2023 in Lund

This year’s Louise Petrén day in Lund will take place on Wednesday, 2023-05-24 14:00 till 16:15.

We celebrate women in mathematics in Sweden and remember Louise Petrén, the first woman to obtain a PhD in mathematics in Sweden.

This year’s Louise Petrén lecture will be given by Prof. Nina Gantert, who works in the area of probability theory, in particular, stochastic processes, large deviations and random media. She is an exceptional mathematician, an amazing supervisor, mentor and role model.

We will also listen to a talk by Dr Ida Arvidsson och Jennie Karlsson. Ida and Jennie won the LU innovation award 2022 in the category employees. Ida is a postdoc and Jennie is a PhD student at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences. In their talk, Ida and Jennie will tell us more about their innovation and something about the mathematics behind it.

Between the talks, we will serve fika. Both talks are accessible to students! Everybody is welcome!

More info: https://www.maths.lu.se/kalendarium/?evenemang=louise-petren-half-day


Sara Maad Sasane and Carina Geldhauser